37 weeks 4 days
Published Monday, February 9, 2009 by Ashley inSo I'm sitting here on the yoga ball trying to get things going into full swing today! lol.
*As a recap, at my 36 week appointment, my OB said I was about 1/2 cm dilated and 30% effaced (I had closed up a little since having gone to L&D).
At today's appointment I was a loose 1 cm (close to 2) and 70%. I had read online a lot this past week that if you're only 1 cm dilated that the doctor can't strip your membranes so I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't be able to get it done. Luckily for me that was not the case, but holy hell did it hurt! When my doctor was done with the painful event she told us that our little guy has his hand next to his head because she was able to feel it (trying to get the doctor to pull him out maybe? lol). She was only able to feel his hand though because of how far up and around (sorry graphic kinda) she had to move her hand, but she was also able to feel his head no problem so he's definitely very low... as you can tell from my belly pics!
My next appointment is next Tuesday and she'll strip my membranes again then if I haven't given birth. However, today I'm going to be spending the whole day on the yoga ball and going to the mall to walk around. I've been having some contractions since she stripped me which is good but we just have to make sure they keep up! Cross your fingers that something happens tonight, it is a full moon after all!
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