0 comments Published Tuesday, December 22, 2009 by Ashley inWe FINALLY got to see santa today! After having to keep putting it off, we were able to drive down to the mall today and wait for a good half hour to see Santa. It probably wasn't really worth the wait since we didn't get done until 4:30 and Gunnar had missed his afternoon nap (which is at 3:30) and he very badly needed to nurse. It has been 4 1/2 hours by the time we got home since his last nursing... normally he goes no longer than 3 1/2 hours. Anyways, despite him starting to get cranky by the time we got to the front of the line, he was all smiles for Santa. In between each photo taken (which included all of us clapping and saying "yay gunnar" in order to get him to smile) he would look up at Santa and try to grab his glasses. I was so glad he wasn't scared of him and that we actually got a good picture!
very merry.
0 comments Published Friday, December 18, 2009 by Ashley inon the move.
0 comments Published by Ashley in10 months have gone by and crawling was no where in sight. We pretty much gave up any hope of it happening since Gunnar had well moved onto bigger and better things... cruising. It didn't help that the child would immediately roll onto his back once place on his stomach. Every. Single. Time.
Lately, though, he hasn't been so against being on his stomach. After falling onto his bum more times than I can count, he really had no choice but to enjoy being on his belly. Yesterday he started to really get into it and would push him self around in a circle (as he used to do months ago) and would kick his legs fanatically. And then it happened.... to my surprise, this morning, I spotted my child one moment laying on his back next to the couch and the next he is on his stomach in the middle of the living room. How the heck?? I kept an eye on him and watched as he started to low crawl towards a block that was on the floor. I was shocked! What? My child? The one who was supposed to skip the crawling stage and go straight to walking..... actually low crawling! And to think it literally happened over night! I was so happy for him. He needs to work on his upper body strength badly so this will help a ton.
Watch out.
Gunnar is on the move.
And he's goin' fast too!
Not Me! Monday
0 comments Published Monday, December 14, 2009 by Ashley inYikes! I haven't done a "not me" monday post in a LONG time! Oopsie!

beanie baby.
2 comments Published Sunday, December 13, 2009 by Ashley in
1 comments Published Thursday, December 3, 2009 by Ashley inBabyWearing
0 comments Published Tuesday, December 1, 2009 by Ashley inThe BWing section is complete (ok sorta... I need to add resources)!
Head on over here and check it out!
*Feel free to leave thoughts/comments/questions on that page.