Published Tuesday, October 23, 2007 by Ashley in
October 2009 marked the start of a new journey for me. I'm officially a business woman and will have an income of my own! I've wanted to sell Arbonne products for a while because, let's face it, they're incredible. While I love being a stay at home mom and student (ok, not so much the latter), I had always felt that I should contribute in some way to the income. Now, with my life taking a complete 180 that I never expected, I NEED to have an income. My incredible friends Hannah B. and Lindsay D. convinced me to join their team... so I did! Right now, because of the current financial situation, I am only a Preferred Client, but I'm working my way up to earning the title of Consultant! Please support me in my new found independence while indulging in all natural, long lasting, amazing products!
*If you'd like some samples and a catalogue I'd be more than happy to send them to you! Send me an email to: with "arbonne" as the subject and your address in the body.
*If you already use Arbonne products, but don't have a consultant that you buy from, let me know! I can sign you up online and tell you all the great benefits of becoming a Preferred Client for a low cost of $30/year.... how does a 20% discount on everything sound?
*Not exactly sure what Arbonne is or what the big deal about their products is? Leave me a comment here and I'll be in touch with you to tell you all about it!
Why are Arbonne products so amazing? You can find your answer Here
In the meantime, browse the Arbonne website and check out all the products and specials!
If you'd like to place an order, follow these simple instructions:
1. Go to
2. Click on Join Arbonne
3. Enter your sponsor's (me) ID: #18398333
4. Complete your information
5. Order!
*If you'd like some samples and a catalogue I'd be more than happy to send them to you! Send me an email to: with "arbonne" as the subject and your address in the body.
*If you already use Arbonne products, but don't have a consultant that you buy from, let me know! I can sign you up online and tell you all the great benefits of becoming a Preferred Client for a low cost of $30/year.... how does a 20% discount on everything sound?
*Not exactly sure what Arbonne is or what the big deal about their products is? Leave me a comment here and I'll be in touch with you to tell you all about it!
Why are Arbonne products so amazing? You can find your answer Here
In the meantime, browse the Arbonne website and check out all the products and specials!
If you'd like to place an order, follow these simple instructions:
1. Go to
2. Click on Join Arbonne
3. Enter your sponsor's (me) ID: #18398333
4. Complete your information
5. Order!
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Mama Ashley
I'm a baby-wearing, selective and delayed vaccinating, organic food feeding, extended rear-facing, baby sign teaching, semi-attachment parenting Mommy to a handsome 20 month toddler.
Gunnar's Milestones
1st Smile- 2 weeks 6 days
1st Hospital Stay- 1 month 12 days
1st Coo- 1 month 18 days
1st Giggle- 2 months 2 days
Held Head Up (stable)- 2 months 4 days
STTN- 2 months 6 days (only lasted a month)
Sit up Supported- 3 months 2 days
Reach for Toy- 3 months 12 days
*Mommy started cloth diapering*
Rolled Over Tummy -> Back- 3 months 28 days
Held Own Bottle- 4 months 6 days
Sat up Alone- 4 months 30 days
Solid Food- 5 months
Put Toes in Mouth- 5 months 2 weeks
1st Sippy Cup- 6 months 2 days
Sat in a High Chair- 6 months 4 days
Stood Alone Using Furniture- 6 months 26 days
Rolled Over Back -> Tummy- 7 months 26 days
1st Tooth- 7 months 4 weeks
Said "Baba"- 7 months 29 days
1st Sign "milk"- 8 months 6 days
Said "Dada" (indiscriminately)- 9 months 3 days
Fake Cough - 9 months 5 days
Cruising- 9 months 6 days
Low Crawl- 10 months 1 week
Pull Self Up- 10 months 12 days
Pull Up in Crib- 10 months 3 weeks
Crawl- 10 months 3 weeks
First Steps- 11 months 8 days
Bear Crawl- 11 months 13 days
First Haircut- 11 months 19 days
Tooth #5- 11 months 19 days
Learn to Clap- 11 months 20 days
Learn to Climb the Stairs- 11 months 20 days
Tooth #6- 11 months 3 weeks
Happy 1st Birthday!!!
Gives Kiss- 12 months
Stand up from Sitting- 12 months
Drink of a normal cup- 12 months
Knows what "lay down" means- 12 months
Says "ma"- 12 months
Says "nigh nigh"- 12 months
Lifts Legs up to Climb- 12 months
Understands "out"- 12 months
Teeth 7 & 8- 12 months
Tooth #9 (1st molar)- 13 months
Waved "Hi"- 13 months 1 day
Tooth #10 (2nd molar)- 13 months 3 days
Went Downstairs by Himself- 13 months 17 days
Says "mama"- 13 months 17 days
Wave Bye- 13 months
Points to His Head When Asked- 13 months 26 days
1st Word "Hi"- 13 months 29 days
Teeth #11 & 12 (lower molars)- 14 months 4 days
Knows Where Belly is- 15 months
Walk Backwards- 15 months
Runs- 15 months
Drinks from a Straw- 15 months
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