Time to play catch up!
Day Five: Thursday was our next day of rest, if you can call it that. Instead of staying home all day like we had planned we ventured out to the final yarn store, The Hen House. This place is now Cassie's LYS because they have EVERY SINGLE cascade 220 color! I'm so jealous of this place and their incredible selection. Plus, this was the first place that was able to wind our yarn using a machine and not the hand crank kind.
Day Six: Friday came and went incredibly fast. Cassie's husband took the day off work and we headed down to Galveston to go to Moody Gardens. We visited the the aquarium and the boys loved it, especially Jackson. He was running up and down all over the place and getting so excited about the seals. Gunnar was mesmerized by all the fish and just stared at them.
After the aquarium, we headed home but stopped for lunch at Cracker Barrel. I'd never had it before but I'm glad I finally go to! It was so good!
Day Seven: Saturday was another take it easy day. The boys played outside in the backyard while Cassie and I knitted the day away.

Day Eight: No pictures from yesterday. It was not a day I want to remember or relive. Both Cassie and I ended up with some kind of food poisoning and spent the day throwing up; she the morning shift and me during the afternoon and night. We're blaming it on the funfetti cake that she made for Gunnar since we were the only ones that ate it and were the only ones that got sick. After Gunnar and I took a 2 hour nap in the evening he started throwing up as well. He didn't eat any cake, but since he still nurses he got some of it through my milk (at least that's what we're thinking). Poor Stefan (cassie's husband) was a godsend last night. He kept cleaning up puke after puke from my poor child. If the sight and smell of it didn't send me to the bathroom as well then I would have cleaned it up but that just wasn't an option. Luckily the night went better and neither of us woke up to throw up, but the little man didn't sleep too well. Today is going much better and I woke up with a headache that I had all night but it's now going away since I took some advil and Gunnar is back to his normal self.
This trip has been eventful to say the least!
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