10 on Tuesday

1. Confession: I have been called out on my failure to blog. Thank you, Kassi. It's not that I don't love blogging, because I'd be lying if I said I didn't, I just kind of forget to do it thanks to all the other craziness that goes on in my life.

2. New goal for myself... blog twice a week. That's a step up from my serious lack of blogging so hopefully I can get into the habit of twice a week and then I'll move up from there. 

3. My baby is turning 1 on thursdy.... when the heck did that happen? I can't believe how fast this year has gone by and how many things have happened!

4. On that note, we're having his party on saturday. Guess who's done absolutely nothing to prepare for it? Oh yeah, me!

5. How can this not make you smile? 

6. We *ahem* Gunnar, now has 6 teeth! Granted, you can't see the other two quite yet, but they have poked through. The new teeth are the bottom left lateral incisor and the top left lateral incisor (for those who don't speak teeth, they're the teeth to the left of his two front ones)

7. I'm a huge procrastinator when it comes to these apples & oranges longies. I've had them on needles since Jan 30 and they are STILL waiting to be finished. I have half of one leg left yet I just can't seem to get myself to knit it. I feel bad for neglecting them =(

8. In other knitting related news, I am BEYOND ecstatic to get this in the mail: 

9. I never posted the wetbags I made for Diana, so here they are: one is a large and the other is a small/med (more so medium) 

10. I also made her 2 pack n play sheets. I'm in love with the fabrics. 


  1. Kassi

    Glad I could help out all of the readers :-) LOL.

    And how much are you selling wetbags for? I have a feeling my "on the go" wetbag isn't gonna cut it when I've got 2 in dipes!

  2. Ashley

    I'm glad too! Sometimes I just need a little swift kick in the butt lol.

    I'm guessing you'd probably need more of a medium size for your diaper bag right? For that it would be about $14


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