An Updated Cravings and Aversions

In August there was a post made about the things I craved and averted. Since then things have obviously changed so I figured I might as well make another post with the recent likes and dislikes of mine.


  • Hamburgers (yep, still) with Extra pickles!
  • Grilled Cheese w/ LOTS of pickles!
  • See a pattern? yep, it's Pickles!
  • Fruit
  • Juice
The Yuck Stuff:
  • Chicken
  • Ranch
  • Pizza
  • Turkey


After reading my last two posts it came to my attention that I'm not being the blogger I wanted to be. I'm not being the pregnant woman I wanted to be. The point of this blog is not to whine and complain or even rant. It's to inform and keep all those friends and family in the loop about the journey my husband and I are going through. I apologize. I've heard many pregnant women complain and complain about their symptoms or pain and I frankly found it annoying (although maybe that was being THEY were pregnant and I was envious?). Anyways, I vowed to not be that person. That vow has been broken. This is the only place that I will actually come and rant or whine about what's going on and I don't like that. It feels like I'm telling people that pregnancy is awful and that is not the case. I absolutely love being pregnant. It's an amazing thing to go through and I would and will do it over again. There are just times when it's not so pleasant. Those times are the ones I find myself focusing on more than others and that is going to stop. If you ever hang out with me in person you know that I don't go around complaining about pains or anything. I try to suck it up as best I can because most of the time there's not a darn thing I can do about it so I try to make the best of the situation. I plan on bringing this aspect of my real life into my blogging world. When my child and I read back on this I want him/her to see how much I loved the experience and not get the idea that it was awful. So in light of my recent realization, my posts will become more optimistic as they should be. I can't promise there won't be days when things just go badly and I need to vent, it happens, but shouldn't be a daily thing. End.

Pregnancy Week by Week

Week 1: The Journey Begins
Week 2: Baby Koehler Conceived!
Week 3: Morning Sickness started (I didn't realize I could be preggo)
Week 4: June 22- Found out we're Expecting!
Week 5: 2 Months Pregnant
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8: 1st OB appointment
Week 9: 3 Months Pregnant
Week 10: OB appointment- heard heartbeat for the 1st time
Week 11:
Week 12: OB appointment- 1st U/S & blood work
Week 13:
Week 14: Felt Baby move for the first time; 2nd Trimester!
Week 15: OB appointment- sequential screening part 2
Week 16:
Week 17: Morning sickness subsided; Felt Gunnar kick from outside (17w,6d)
Week 18: Daddy felt Gunnar kick for the first time (18w,2d)

Yep, one of "those" days. the days where you don't want to wake up. or go to school. or even keep your eyelids open. I'm finally about 95% over my cold and last night was the first night I did not take tylenol before bed. I kind of wish I did. For the past 5 days I had been getting an amazing night of sleep. No waking up, no tossing and turning. Just pure uninterrupted sleep. Last night that was not the case. I had my usual 2 trips to bathroom with the extra 2 times of waking up just because I wasn't comfortable. On top of that, I woke up an additional two more times due to back and/or stomach pains. Not Fun! Luckily, I picked up the heating pad from my parent's house last night so when I woke up at night I just used that and it felt a lot better. Anyways, back to the point. An awful night of sleep + waking up at 6am for school was not going in my favor. On my way to school I started having ligament pains again and I wanted so badly to just turn around and go home but I knew I couldn't. Actually, there were about 4 times at school that I just wanted to up and leave. I love school and all, just not when I'm pregnant. That's a whole 'nother ball game that I don't want to play anymore. If I wasn't so dead set on getting my degree I swear I'd stop going. It's just been a bad day and I guess I needed to vent more than anything. I'm just glad that my little one is kicking up a storm right now when I am not in pain so I can actually enjoy the awesome feeling. Please feel free to send prayers my way- I could use them!

One Year Anniversary

Yesterday marked mine and my husband's one year anniversary. I can't believe it has already been a whole year! Time has sure flown by way fast. For those that don't know, we have been through a ton this past year and my husband wasn't even home for all of it. Just for a recap, here's what went on:
Sept 21- Married
Oct 9 - Sean deployed for 7 months
Dec- Started planning our church wedding
April- Moved into our new apartment
May 5- Sean came home
June 22- Found out we're expecting
July 11- Church Wedding
Aug- Sean no longer working
Sept- Our anniversary
Although we've only been physically together for a little over 4 months, we still were married all this time and had to go through the same things, and some other harder things, that regular civilian couples go through. It's been a whirlwind but I've enjoyed every single moment of it and I'm thrilled to spend the rest of my years with my wonderful husband.

Now for a baby update: Munchkin is well, kicking/punching up a storm in my belly that's for sure! This kid really moves around a lot and makes sure I know it. Still no sickness, but since that's the case, my body has decided to give me incredibly horrible back and ligament pains. The past two nights have been horrific as far as pain goes- literally pushing me to tears. I'm guessing my body is doing some major shifting and my uterus is growing a lot right now since this is the first time I've had ligament pain that lasted more than 5 minutes and more than once a week. Hopefully I get a break soon. Other than the pain, I'm doing very well, just patiently waiting for our next appointment. 14 more days!

Kicks and Squirms


For those of you who have been pregnant/are pregnant, you know. Those first kicks, thumps, squirms. They're just amazing. And let me tell you, I have quite the active lil munchkin in me! This baby LOVES to kick and punch mommy at night- and they're quite strong too. I figure that in no time hubby will be able to feel it too- maybe he can feel it now? I've been feeling baby now since I was 15 weeks, but I wasn't positive if it was the baby or not at the time. Everything is just peachy and baby is being a lot nicer to mommy now. Except now I'm dealing with the following symptoms:

  • growing pains- OUCH!
  • back pains to a greater degree
  • dizziness.. still
  • and this isn't exactly a symptom but since I can't lay on my back (or even reclining because of the pressure) I'm having one heck of a time finding positions that I'm comfy in

16 Week Belly Pics!

They're 4 days late but here they are!

"16" Week OB appointment

This morning I had my 16 week appointment, even though I'm not quite 16 weeks yet. My morning didn't start out too hot. No more than 5 minutes after I woke up I was hanging over the toilet throwing up (lovely, I know). I have been doing so well in the nausea department too that I was hoping it was coming to an end- guess not. Anyways, for the past couple weeks I've been freaking out that something was wrong with my baby thanks to the lovely posts I read on the babycenter mommy boards. I weighed in at 130, which was before I went to the bathroom. When I can home I weighed myself again and I was almost 2 pounds lighter because I had finally peed out all the juice and water I drank (I was VERY thirsty). My BP was 129/70, a lot higher than it was last time but nothing to worry about. My doc's nurse whom I love very much because she is so sweet reassured me that the pains I was having around my belly button were definitely growing pains. Doc M (as Sean calls her lol) finally came in she went to straight to the comp to check my results from my sequential screening. Those results came back perfect with me being a nice low risk pregnancy so she was happy about that. Today was the day I was to have my second part of the sequential screening (basically a follow up). BECAUSE of my good results, I only needed to have blood drawn- no U/S, so we didn't get to see Munchkin today or get a peek at his/her goods. That wasn't a huge deal to me because I got to hear my baby's heartbeat and that put my mind at ease. All I wanted to know was that my child was still alive and moving around. I had a few questions to ask too. She showed me where the top of my uterus is- so cool! Told me I'm no longer allowed to lay flat on my back- boo. And said that those taps I'm feeling at night may very well be the baby, especially since when she checked for the heartbeat, Munchkin was on the left side which is where I've been feeling the taps. That concluded my appointment.
The main point here though is that we didn't get to see our Munchkin which is what we were hoping for. Our next U/S, when I'm 19 weeks, will be on Oct. 6- so we'll find out then for sure!

Slacking. Oops!

It has come to my attention thanks to a fellow blog stalker and CW sister that I'm overdue for a blog entry; and boy is she right! So thanks Kassi for giving me that kick in the butt to update my blog =)

I haven't posted in a while because, well, I didn't think I had anything to really talk about that was of any importance since there have been no major events. I was wrong. A ton has gone on!\
For starters, I'm now 15 weeks which means I officially entered my second trimester last Thursday (finally!). Not a lot to update on Munchkin except that if all goes well, we may find out for sure what the gender is on Monday, September 8! Let's hope our little one is not afraid to show its stuff like last time. 
As far as my pregnancy in general goes, I'm feeling 100% better! Morning sickness has died down. I have energy. Sex drive exists, woo hoo! My belly is really growing. And I finally have some new prenatals that don't make me puke. Unfortunately, there are always some negative symptoms. I'm dizzy/lighted what seems like all the time. Growing pains HURT! My belly itches. Back is killing me. And I still get up at least 1-2 times a night to pee. Overall though, I'd take these symptoms over my first trimester ones any day. Still not sure if I've felt baby yet. There have been a couple moments when I thought so but I'm just not at the point where I can really tell yet. That's all in the pregnancy department.
Since most of the pregnancy related stuff isn't too juicy, I figured I'd add a little bit of life in general. My marriage is awesome and we're creeping up on our One Year Anniversary- September 21! I can't believe how fast this past year has gone. Sean is really getting into my pregnancy and tells me often that "I really look pregnant and am showing a lot." Silly man lol, duh! He's also big on kissing my belly and cannot wait for the day when he gets to start playing music to my belly for baby to hear. I love his excitement about this all, it helps to reassure me that everything WILL be ok. 
In other news, school started back up 2 weeks ago and I'm now a sophomore! I absolutely love school and am thrilled to be back. Sitting around all day is just not something I'm good at. I'm a nerd lol. Unfortunately, due to the baby in my tummy, I'll only be going to school for the fall semester but I'm making it my goal to not let myself get behind. I am still determined to graduate in 4 years! After this semester I'll only have 5 units left of GE and I'll have completed 1/3 of my total unit needed. Time for some internet classes to keep up! 
My brain is not up to its full potential right now. It's 8:20 and I'm done with the "active" part of babysitting (aka- child is now asleep). I'm worn out and tired. Can't think of anything else to write. If something pops up, I'll write about it tomorrow. Until then, God Bless and Good Night!