What's on the Menu?
Published Thursday, April 29, 2010 by Ashley inWhat's cookin' at your home today for lunch? Or what did you have? What did your little one have? I have yet to eat and honestly, I'll probably be unhealthy and pick something up while we're out running errands since that's the easiest thing to do. Gunnar on the other hand, is currently enjoying a very healthy and tasty lunch consisting of:
string cheese
spoonful of peanut butter
pineapple chunks
handful of dried berries
1/2 of a hard boiled egg
I wish I could feed myself the way I feed him. And I should! It all looks so delicious. I did steal ask to have the other half of his egg so it wouldn't be sitting in the fridge and get gross. I took the silence as a yes =)
Did I mention that my child doesn't eat meat? I'm not sure I did, but I might have. In any case, unless it's a certain type of chicken with a certain flavor (haven't figured out what exactly those flavors are) he won't touch it. And meat? Forget about it. Steak is out of the question, hot dogs are out, and so is ground beef. That's why you won't be seeing any of those on my lists. Plus, the idea of hot dogs just grosses me out so I really wouldn't want to feed them to my child (albeit, he has had hot dogs before and ended up throwing them up which is why I think he doesn't like them anymore... can't say I blame him). You'll notice a lot of the things I give him are chalk full of protein (peanut butter, eggs) and that's to make up for the lack of chicken he eats. I also try and provide a lot of things that are high in iron since he ONLY gets those from the fruits,veggies, and lentils. Beans are a BIG hit with the little man. They might not make for the nicest diapers, but they're full of iron and a perfect finger food! Also, betcha didn't know, but dates are high in iron as well. Yes they're a sweet fruit, but they have a lot of iron in them so Gunnar eats those frequently as well. Some of our big "iron" foods are: dates, beans, green beans, whole wheat foods, peas, watermelon, and sweet potato!
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Mama Ashley
I'm a baby-wearing, selective and delayed vaccinating, organic food feeding, extended rear-facing, baby sign teaching, semi-attachment parenting Mommy to a handsome 20 month toddler.
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- What's on the Menu?
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- Bear With Me.
- Feeding My Toddler
- Shakin' It Up Sunday
- Did He Just Do That?
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- Obsessed.
- Battle Wound.
- We Love....
- Tomorrow!
- Sneak Peak
- In Case You Haven't Heard...
- Why, he was playing in the spices of course! It's ...
- Can you guess what the little monster was up to to...
Gunnar's Milestones
1st Smile- 2 weeks 6 days
1st Hospital Stay- 1 month 12 days
1st Coo- 1 month 18 days
1st Giggle- 2 months 2 days
Held Head Up (stable)- 2 months 4 days
STTN- 2 months 6 days (only lasted a month)
Sit up Supported- 3 months 2 days
Reach for Toy- 3 months 12 days
*Mommy started cloth diapering*
Rolled Over Tummy -> Back- 3 months 28 days
Held Own Bottle- 4 months 6 days
Sat up Alone- 4 months 30 days
Solid Food- 5 months
Put Toes in Mouth- 5 months 2 weeks
1st Sippy Cup- 6 months 2 days
Sat in a High Chair- 6 months 4 days
Stood Alone Using Furniture- 6 months 26 days
Rolled Over Back -> Tummy- 7 months 26 days
1st Tooth- 7 months 4 weeks
Said "Baba"- 7 months 29 days
1st Sign "milk"- 8 months 6 days
Said "Dada" (indiscriminately)- 9 months 3 days
Fake Cough - 9 months 5 days
Cruising- 9 months 6 days
Low Crawl- 10 months 1 week
Pull Self Up- 10 months 12 days
Pull Up in Crib- 10 months 3 weeks
Crawl- 10 months 3 weeks
First Steps- 11 months 8 days
Bear Crawl- 11 months 13 days
First Haircut- 11 months 19 days
Tooth #5- 11 months 19 days
Learn to Clap- 11 months 20 days
Learn to Climb the Stairs- 11 months 20 days
Tooth #6- 11 months 3 weeks
Happy 1st Birthday!!!
Gives Kiss- 12 months
Stand up from Sitting- 12 months
Drink of a normal cup- 12 months
Knows what "lay down" means- 12 months
Says "ma"- 12 months
Says "nigh nigh"- 12 months
Lifts Legs up to Climb- 12 months
Understands "out"- 12 months
Teeth 7 & 8- 12 months
Tooth #9 (1st molar)- 13 months
Waved "Hi"- 13 months 1 day
Tooth #10 (2nd molar)- 13 months 3 days
Went Downstairs by Himself- 13 months 17 days
Says "mama"- 13 months 17 days
Wave Bye- 13 months
Points to His Head When Asked- 13 months 26 days
1st Word "Hi"- 13 months 29 days
Teeth #11 & 12 (lower molars)- 14 months 4 days
Knows Where Belly is- 15 months
Walk Backwards- 15 months
Runs- 15 months
Drinks from a Straw- 15 months
The baby oatmeal also has a lot of iron in it! That's what I give Raleigh since she doesn't get too many veggies. She loooves that oatmeal, especially when I mix with yogurt.
Does Gunnar not like chicken nuggets?? I thought every kid did lol. I make Raleigh's homemade and I stick cheese in them too, they're delicious!
Emalyn had pineapple chunks, grapes, cucumber & some goldfish :) She loves meat, except for turkey! lol. I buy her those Gerber meat sticks a lot and she scarfs them down!
Jess- Nope, no chicken nuggets! He used to eat them but he won't anymore. Little booger.
Meggan- Awesome lunch! Definitely sounds like a meal gunnar would have =)
Have you tried giving him tofu? Kaydra is not a big fan of meat (other than salmon), but she goes crazy for chunks of firm tofu. I don't even do anything to it- she loves it plain and cold. It's funny and kinda gross all at once.
Tammie- I haven't tried tofu yet. Tofu weirds me out so I haven't even thought to buy it and try it lol